
Dad soothing a BF baby?

I need some advice. My dd started DC this past week, and in the evenings all she wants to do is nurse. I'm fine with some comfort sucking, I'd even expected it. But I would love to be able to have DH hold her for even a half hour here or there so I could get a break. Even if she has fallen asleep on me and I hand her over to him she wakes right back up and is crying within minutes.I'll then take her back and she will calm down for me; bfing or just holding.

Even before she started DC she hasn't done too well with DH for awhile. Other people can hold her, but she cries for him. I'm sure she likes being near Mom, but I'm wondering how other BF babies get soothed by the non food parent. DH comments how I have "the mothers touch" when she calms down for me, and I think he figures that me being the food provider is why she responds to me.

I am trying to get her to nap better at home, so being able to put her down would be good as well. But it just seams like she responds better to my soothing attempts (non nursing) than she does for my husband.   She is STTN which is great, though I keep waking up still. I'm exhausted right now which isn't helping my supply when pumping during the day. (she is getting enough when I nurse her)


DD born January 2012 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image image image
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