3rd Trimester

MIL has no brain...

my mil and i do not get along she literally called me the devil and a evil bad parent last weekend... anywho she showed up unannouced this sat and first words out of her mouth  were "Did u hear about that woman who got shot and killed and her baby stolen her babies name was teagan isnt that  funny..." she said this with a tone like to bad it wasn't you ...seriously... 1st no it isnt funny some1 getting shot a kid gettn kidnapped is never funny in any way... and 2 why would u ever say that in front of my kids... my SD 8 came up 2 me later and said no ones gonna shoot u and take our baby teigan are they mommy?...:(  My husband didnt say anything as usual and im getting extremely fed up with MIL its always something and it is affecting not just me but the kids and he sees none of it...i hate the excuse but shes my mom...and?

or excuse ur mom said i was lazy....and? u were laid off for 2yrs and never seriously tried to find a job just took ur unemployment benefits and we were broke all the time i called u lazy too... shes never called u the devil like ur own mom has or anything mean...

ok rant over im just frustrated and have no one to vent too :(

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