3rd Trimester

I need input please...I'm terrified.

I had slight pink on my panty liner...I am 27 weeks and terrified.  This hasn't happened to me at all during pregnancy and I'm so scared at this point.  I wiped and there was more on the toilet paper.  I'm not sure if it is related but I woke up this morning with a nagging pain a little above my pubic bone and right in the center.  It has been coming on and off all day and relieved when I pass gas...sorry.  I figured it was just gas all day because I ate pizzeria pizza last night (I never eat like that) and left overs today.  Now that I have found the blood traces I am terrified.  


Has anyone experienced any kind of bleeding?  I am going to monitor it very carefully tonight, if there are any changes or progression I will go into the hospital.  This is my first baby so I am not sure if it is normal.  Please let me know your thoughts. 

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