3rd Trimester

S/O Dog attacking baby...friends with 2 Rotties & pg

DH and I have couple friends who rescue Rottweilers. Currently, they have 2 and these dogs are enormous! One is old and sick - probably has a few months left (cancer, poor thing!!) but the other has bitten friends, the neighbor, the owner's sister (on the LEFT hand the day before her wedding!!). Our friends have been trying for a baby and finally succeeded. Everyone is excited for them but we are all also asking what their plans are for the dogs. They are starting to get really irritated because, apparently, the whole world is asking them the same question. It is pretty clear that they will be keeping them both. Cujo (the sick one) doesn't concern me but a sick animal can be irritable because he's in pain. Drago (the biter) scares the bejesus out of me.  Before I was pg, I would just make slow and small movements around him (we strongly suspect he was abused) but once I got pg, I stopped going over there. I have never/will never have DS around him. 

Does anyone have a similar experience? Are there training courses? Do they work? And - this is probably flammable - do they make anti-anxiety meds for dogs? If so, would that help? 

Our friends are getting so irritated that I doubt I'll pass any info on to them unprompted but I'm just wondering.  

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