
Giving EBM after nursing?

With my DS my supply dropped off after a few months of EPing.  So I started pumping early with my DD.  She is currently 3 1/2 weeks old and I pump after I nurse her in the morning and get about 5 oz which I freeze.  I pump after her afternoon feeding when she goes down for a nap and get about 2-3 oz which we've been giving her at night after I nurse her and she still seems fussy and hungry.  This seems to help keep her happy at night (generally she's fussy/colickly from 7-11 pm).  Do you think this is okay to keep doing or will it mess up my supply?  I can't seem to make enough at night to keep her happy, even after a few nights of just trying to keep her at the breast to signal my body to make more.
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