
ANOTHER growth spurt?

Hey ladies,

 DS is 7.5 weeks.  He went thru a growth spurt at 6 weeks, but he's acting like he's going through another one these last couple of days.  Is this possible or do you think it could be something else?

He was going 2.5-3 hours between feedings, but after the 6 wk GS he would go ~2 hours.  These last few days, he wants to eat an hour later sometimes!  He gets so fussy and since he just ate, I try to calm him down other ways, like rocking him or a pacifier.  But most of the time, they don't work and he's rooting around, so I feed him.  I'm not going to withhold food from my child if he's hungry.  Nights are the worst!  He's been up every hour or so for the last few nights.  I'm exhausted.  Last night I even threatened to make a bottle of formula out of desperation (thankfully DH is 100% supportive and talked me down).  

I really don't think its a supply issue.  If anything, I have a slight oversupply.  He seems to be full after he's eating, he just wants it more frequently.

I actually hope its a growth spurt since he starts daycare in a week and nothing seems to be calming him down except nursing :(. Thanks for any input.  I'm getting worried about my little guy. 

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