3rd Trimester

s/o this is exactly why my mother rubs me the wrong way!

A few days ago I posted about my concerns of raising a daughter after having such a terrible relationship with my own mother.

Here is just a tiny example (the tip of the iceberg) of why my mother is selfish.

Today, at 10:15 am, she calls me and says "are you coming here to drop off DS or do you want me to pick him up". I didn't even know how to respond, we had absolutely no plans made with her. I actually have an entire day planned as tomorrow is our niece's bday party and we have errands to run later. I tell her that I have plans and if time allows I'll stop over later. She wants to know exactly what time I mean by later (this is coming from a woman that can not commit to anything or anytime whatsoever). I tell her after DS takes a nap (11-1 or 12-2) I need to feed him a snack and then go to the store, so after that (say 4 pm). I can immediately tell she's not happy with this response. I reminder her that she is coming over tomorrow for the party and will see him then as well. Mind you, she sees him AT LEAST 3-4 times a week. Meanwhile, I'm annoyed because it's not often that I get alone time with DS anymore, we recently moved back home and are temporarily staying with my ILs, and furthermore my due date is only weeks away so DS will only be an only child for a few more weeks. 

Honestly, I know she means well, but this is not the first or second time she has demanded I stop what I'm doing and  deliver her grandson to her. Up until a few months ago we lived 1200 miles away and she only saw him twice a year. I realize she's happy that we moved back but she doesn't respect any boundaries. Not to mention everytime I bring DS to her house for the day she literally demands several outfits (at least 4), two pairs of shoes, two pairs of pjs, etc. He never takes more than an hour nap at her house when at home he normally naps 2-3 hrs. I could go on and on but I'll stop whining. Vent over, thanks.

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