3rd Trimester

Anyone else dread passing baby around? Mostly re ILs...

I hate that I am even thinking of this at this point, but it is what it is... I was a SUPER protective FTM when DS was a baby, and I could not freaking STAND when my ILs would hold him. They would just try to take him without asking, or pass him around to one another. My MIL would always take him and walk into another room where I could not see him-which pissed me off. MY SIL actually handed DS to my neice and nephew who were 7 and 9 (!) to hold in the hospital without asking -I was so pissed. (This is when the swine flu was coming out, so I was FREAKED out by germs too, which made it worse. Shortly after, they stopped allowing kids during visiting hours unless they were a sibling)

I know I sound like I am on the neurotic side, and I am sure that some of the things my ILs have done/said over the years has left a bad taste in my mouth, so to speak. I just feel like they are so inconsiderate/insensitive. It is MY baby after all...

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