3rd Trimester

do you and dh agree on discipline?

Ugh...I'm so annoyed with DH. This is our first baby. I'm worried because I'm just starting to see how we differ in discipline with our dog. I'm all about structure and he's all about letting the dog run the house. He thinks its funny and cute. I think this will be a major source of our issues, if we cannot agree and cannot be consistent with our dog, then we will see much bigger problems when LO is here.

I'm so annoyed with him right now and I believe this might be just the way he is because his parents were so lax with him. I have been trying to talk to him about how important it is that we are on the same page etc...It's not sinking in...

Anyway, anyone else noticing some potential problems that may arise regarding LO and DH's views? 

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