
RCS and hospital vistors?

I posted about this on 3rd tri too, but thougt I may try here too...

I am having a RCS, and I am wondering what to do about scheduling in-laws to come visit. They get out of work in the afternoon, which is the same time I was planning on having my mom bring DS#1 to see us. I really want to have special time alone for us and DS#1 and #2. Not to mention that I SAH with DS #1 and we are inseparable...I already know that I am going to be a blubbering mess when he has to leave me (literally crying now, just thinking of it...)

I don't want ILs to feel left out/upset, but I am not sure how I feel about having everyone coming all at once! I forget how long visiting hours are, but I am thinking that I am not going to want a load of people in and out from 5-8 or whatever...it is a LONG day!  I certainly do not want to rush my time with DS#1 because my MIL is on her way. (The hospital rooms are TINY, and will not handle more than a few people at once.)

WWYD? Is it awful to tell them to come the next day? I hate that I have to consider other people getting angry/upset with me/us at a time like this when I feel like my feelings should be first for once..

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