3rd Trimester

Repeat c-section and hospital visitors?

I am wondering what to do regarding visiitors after my repeat c-section. I really want DS #1 to have some special alone time with DS#2 (and DH and I too!). I was planning on having my parents, who are watcing him while I am in there, bring him in the late afternoon, after I have had most of the day to rest and recover. Hoping I can try to seem somewhat normal (considering) so that I don't scare him with Mommy being all tired and out of it, etc.

Anyways, my in laws get out of work around the time of day that I was hoping for DS to come see us. I don't want them to feel left out, since my parents will be able to see the new baby, but I also don't want anyone else there when I am tryig to spend the little time with DS #1 that I will have. I already know I am going to be a basket case being away from him for 3 days.


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