
7wo DD is killing me at night!

Over the past week or so, DD has been ravenous at night. As soon as the letdown is over, she tugs and pulls at my nipple and thrashes about while grunting. Feedings take about an hour until she's satisfied, and this is coming from someone who until very recently had an oversupply (pumped 6oz from one boob just a week ago). I am quite engorged in the mornings, so I really don't think my supply could be that low, unless it really drops in the evenings.  The only other thing I could possibly think of that would cause this behavior is that we recently started giving her a bottle of expressed milk once every few days to prep for my return to work. Even with the slow flow nipples she sucks it down very quickly. Maybe she is frustrated because my flow isn't always that strong? And if so, how on earth do I manage this problem? She is going to be getting bottles all day every soon. Right now my nipples are throbbing from being bitten and tugged. This cannot continue!

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