
I feel like a failure

My baby is only 9 days old and I was sure I wanted to ONLY breastfeed until the 6 month marker and then continue to breastfeed with solids for another 6 months...

But already I'm not sure if I can do it, and I feel selfish and exhausted. I THINK I'm producing enough milk and I know I'm feeding DS enough, but it's just so much to handle. DS eats for an hour every time he eats. I've been feeding him every 3 hours but today I thought maybe he wouldn't eat for SO long if I fed him more often. Today I've fed him every hour and a half and he STILL eats for an hour each time!

He has enough dirty and wet diapers a day but I'm not sure if he's gaining weight like he should be. I've weighed him today and yesterday on our scale at home and it says he weighs only 8 pounds when he was 8 pounds 12 ounces at birth... Maybe it's our scale? I know it's fairly accurate but it isn't a doctor office scale.

I've been thinking that maybe my milk isn't cutting it for him and I should just have him eat 2 or 3 bottles of formula a day maximum. I don't think it would hurt him any but it's making me miserable. And I'm already so sleep deprived that at night it's hard for me to hold him long enough to feed...

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