
Tell me about your 3 month old

DD was always consistently wanting to eat every 2 hours, to the minute. She also would nurse for 15-20 min. per side each time. We were still using a shield until yesterday when she finally did well without it. So we have had 2 days shield free now (yay!). She's not nursing for as long, I'm assuming because she's able to get the milk faster, but she's also not getting hungry as often...about every 2.5-3 hours. (This started the day before we tried to go without the shield.) I have been wanting these things for so long now, shorter nursing time and longer stretches between feedings... but of course now that they're happening I'm slightly wonder if everything's okay with her... I guess I'm just a constant worrier! I never noticed her going through a 3 month growth spurt either.

So my questions: How long does your LO go between feedings during the day? About how many sessions total per day? Does eating every 2.5-3 hours/6-7 times a day sound consistent with your 3 month old?


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