
Pumping making the baby frustrated?

Hi all!

I've lurked on the boards since first trimester but never created an account til now - just enjoyed reading everyone elses questions!

I'm an FTM and trying my hardest to become EBF but have had supply issues since day 1 and was forced to supplement when DS lost 13% of his birth weight by day 3. I've attended LLL and read every book under the sun and it seems like I've truly tried everything (except domperidone - that is being shipped!)

I know that to keep my supply up I need to drain the breast often but whenever I pump, it seems like by the time I can set the baby down and pump for 15-20 minutes, he inevitably wants to eat again within the hour and I don't have much milk in reserve because I just pumped.  He then gets frustrated on the breast, fusses and hits me with his tiny fists, and in the end refuses to stay latched.  The same goes if I just try to nurse more often. He just refuses to suck once the first letdown fades and a second letdown doesn't happen (or doesn't happen fast enough.)  The only way he'll actively nurse is if I let the breast "fill" a little -- which I know is horrible for my supply!  Does anyone have any advise on how to help my little guy have some patience?

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