Single Parents

need to get out of this funk... ideas?

So I've been in this depressed funk since breaking up a few weeks ago. I have tried going out with friends to dinner or for drinks ... I'm the only single one, everybody tries to talk about how I'm better off, to enjoy being single and lets just say every time I've tried going out ti have "fun" I end up in tears by the end.if the night. so what do ya'll do for fun. I do yoga sometimes which I really enjoy but I have a really hard time finding someone to watch E. and now that I'm alone I imagine it will be even harder. I also like to run n which we do together but I've had no motivation to do anything. I know it will get better, I just want to be able to havefun again. I hope once I'm established and have a place and feel settled I will start to feel better. ( we r all still living together until I find a place for me and her ) so I kinda feel like this limbo is making it harder too. anyway, thanks and if ya'll have any ideas of fun things or just stress relievers for u ur live to hear em! ** sorry no spaces, bumping from my phone
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