3rd Trimester

USPS = So annoying - Rant

So I have a document that needs to be co-signed with a witness signature (dr. release form) & my Hubby doesn't get home until later. So I figure to save time, I'd run up to a mini post office & get the postage amount for certified out of the way & mail it later - it's literally inside a BP & Subway. I get there & tell the lady I just want the amount of meter postage on my envelope - because I needed to complete mailing it later on... Had done this all the time previously with pitney bowes as an admin.

The postal clerk tells me she can only run it if I complete the form, So I think how redundant but OKAY...If that's how you want it fine. I complete the forms & ask her to simply run the postage amount so I can just pay for the meter stamp at that point & mail it out later. She blatantly refuses to help me & would not give me an excuse other than if she can not run the envelope then & there, she can not do the postage for me. I explain to her I use to run postage first prior to completing a letter All the time & didn't understand what the fuss was about. Yet again she continues to refuse & I told her I'm reporting her (which I did) she responds in a crass manner, let me give you my name & address before you go so you can do so. I was appalled at the way I was treated & her attitude, as was the CS agent I reported this postal clerk to & I feel discriminated against.

Just utterly ridiculous - why do people have to make such a simple task a headache & complicating, I just don't get ppl sometimes. Hmm

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