3rd Trimester

Young/young-looking moms

My DH and I have always been told we look about 5-10 years younger than we are. I am 26 and he is 27. I usually get about 18-20 actually. I still get carded to go into bars and even recently to sit in an exit row on a plane when I was flying alone (you only have to be 15!). However, DH looks even younger! He is 6'6'', baby faced, and grows pretty much zero facial hair (like seriously can't). Add that to the fact the he is always wearing baggy T-shirts and basketball shirts (I have learned to chose my battles) unless he is at work and he usually gets about 17 or 18. He even got hit on by a 16 year old girl at publix the other day (he went alone). She asked him what high school he goes to! Haha.

Anyway, I am sick of being treated like a pregnant teenager! That might sound wrong to say, but there is defiitely a stigma attached to being a pregnant teen and I am getting  stares, side-eyes, and even comments! At Home Depot the other day (we were ordering a door) the older man helping us looked at my belly but never said anything for the entire 30 minutes of helping us until DH asked about when the door will be ready and added that we were in a rush to get things done before baby arrived. The man then said "Yeah I thought she might be pregnant...These days kids are getting pregnant way too young..." EXCUSE ME?? I proceeded to tell him our ages, and made sure to flash my wedding ring a few times. He said he would have guessed we were 17 or 18! (granted we were doing yard work that day and I was makeup-free in a ponytail and DH was in his usual Tshirt and bball shorts). It just made me a little mad. How rude of him, no matter how old we actually were!

Is anyone else experiencing anything similar? I usually just laugh it off, but I cant help but try to flash my ring around when DH and I are in public. I shouldn't care what people think but I do a little I guess... not that its making me lose sleep at night or anything, just irks me a little.

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