3rd Trimester

Lost my mucus plug at 34 weeks

I lost my mucus plug yesterday. I was surprised since I'm 34 weeks. I called my doctor's office and they told me that It could still be two or three weeks before anything happened, call them if my water breaks, blah, blah, blah. I called my mom and she went and jinxed me by saying "well, just don't have him next week since I'm going out of town for a couple of days, haha". I've been in full blown nesting mode for a couple of days, but haven't been able to do much about it because we are still waiting on the bassinet and some other nursery items from my MIL. Plus, I'm not on firm bedrest, but was pulled out of work and told to stay down as much as possible. I've got pregnancy induced tachycardia and palpitations and if I get too active, that gets aggravated. With my first pregnancy (13 years ago) I lost my mucus plug about a week before I went into labor, the day before my due date. With my 2 y/o DD, I was induced at 38 weeks due to blood pressure and hadn't passed it yet. I kinda feel like 2-3 weeks is a bit of a stretch given that this is a 3rd pregnancy. I would rather keep this kid in as long as possible, but it just doesn't feel like it's going to happen. Any other 2tm (or more) go for that long after passing their mucus plug?  (Sorry this is so long!)
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