3rd Trimester

Question about baby movement...

I'll be 29 weeks tomorrow and I have a question about the baby's movements.  I have read in a couple places that I should be able to feel more prominent kicks around this time.  The problem is...I feel like the prominent kicks are happening less often than they used to.  Don't get me wrong, I feel a lot of movement throughout the day and night.  It's just not always super strong kicks.  Sometimes it's softer kicking or just wiggling type feelings.  I hear a lot of people talking about a lot of strong jabs that take their breath away and I just haven't had any of that.

 Do you think this is a problem, or am I just being a paranoid first time mom?  I feel like it's fine because it's not like ALL movement is gone or anything.  Just wanted to get your opinion....thanks!

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