3rd Trimester

XP: Help needed...little confused...also on June 2012 board

Ok, so I have a couple of questions...any help is greatly appreciated:

1. GD--So I have GD and was having a little trouble with my post dinner and fasting numbers (they were a little high) so my OB put me on glyburide...now my numbers are really low...last night is was lower than the low range of my fasting number, so I freaked out a little and kinda pigged out on carbs to bring it up. Now yesterday I was much more active than I have been due to trying to get the project list done before LO arrives...but this morning my fasting number was in range, but way down from where it has been. Any experience with this...should I call my doctor?

2. Humidifier--is this needed for a baby in the summer? We are trying to prioritize what we need right when LO is born and what can wait until it is needed...anyone know about this?

3. Siatica (sp?) Yesterday at points it was so bad I couldn't walk for several minutes, and I couldn't get comfortable in bed...anyone know a trick to help? Getting a maternity massage tomorrow (super excited for that).

4. Slep troubles--I know that this is supposed to get worse during the 3rd tri, butfor the past 5 nights I have woken up every hour on the hour...and not just to pee. I have found a way to get somewhat comfortable, but even that isn't helping.


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