
Back to supplementing?

My DS was a bit jaundice in the hospital. His bilirubin levels weren't high enough for lights, they have just been checking his levels and last Friday they had come down a bit--we go back again tomorrow morning for another check.  As a result he has been a very sleepy baby, I'm talking 22 hours sleeping and needing to be woken to feed and even then it's a struggle to keep him awake.
He was 7lb 15oz at birth I was EBF and he came down (7lb 2oz at his lowest on day 3).  He had so much difficulty getting a full feed at the breast that day 9 and 10 I started pumping every 2 hours what I could and topping whatever I got up to 2oz with some formula and waking him to feed. It worked and by yesterday he had gone from 7lb 6oz on day 9 to 7lb 10oz on day 11.
So the midwife said that I could try going back to breast feeding on demand because he had been gaining his weight back with the formula supplementing.  I'm supposed to try just breast for 24 hours (so until 4pm today).  She wanted to see how frequently he would wake to eat.  And see if being off the formula (he's only been on it two days) makes him more alert since formula makes babies sleepy.  His color doesn't seem to have any jaundice at all now so we have been wondering why the child sleeps 22 hours a day.
Since 6pm yesterday he's been a different kid: he wakes every 2-3 hours to eat.  He has actual periods (hours at a time!!) of alertness.  However, he's not pooping or peeing as much as he was while on the formula... If I look at things since 4pm yesterday, he had two wet diapers before midnight (7:30 and 9:00) then he didn't wet a diaper again (dry at midnight and 3!) until 5:05 then 8:05 this morning. And we finally got a wet and poopy at 9:50.  But isn't breast fed baby poop supposed to be yellow?  Because this poop was brown with yellow seeds kind of.
What ticks me off is that before we started the formula supplementing, he was having tons of soaked pee diapers and normal color/consistency poops from my breast milk alone.  How long would it take to get the formula out of his system?  I just don't know how to tell if he is getting what he needs from my breast milk alone.
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