
XP: recommend formula for supplementing

I also posted this on the 0-3 month board... Hi all... My daughter is now one week old and we seem to have breastfeeding figured out. My milk supply seems to be great, but I am having trouble with being the only person who can feed my baby. I would like my husband to be able to do it or a babysitter from time to time.I do not want to pump for various reasons, so I have decided that we are going to introduce formula as a supplement for one nighttime feeding and possibly the occasional afternoon feeding when I have to get a babysitter. I also talked to my doctor about it and she said it is fine to do this; she recommended to try not to switch back and forth between a lot of different formula brands.So, can you recommend what formula has worked for you if you supplement? I would like to start her out with a formula that hopefully we will be able to stick with.
Married April 17, 2010. Our daughter Yvette was born April 12, 2012.
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