
Should this be the end? (Longish)

I EBF my LO, who is almost 10 weeks old.  We had our two month check up this week (a little late) and according to the chart, she is now in the 1 percentile (yes, one percentile) for her weight/age.  The pedi said he was only slightly concerned about it and said for us to come back for a weigh in two weeks before he doesn't see her until her 4 month check up.  He doesn't know much about BFing so I immediately contacted a LC and set up a meeting.   She came yesterday and I felt better, but now I'm not so sure.  I spent the rest of yesterday and all day today latching her whenever she seemed fussy (basically a human pacifier), doing lots of skin to skin (as much as she will tolerate), and pumping whenever I could.  What I pumped during the day I gave her both nights at our last evening feeding and she guzzled down (this makes me nervous because now I am not able to store any milk for when I am gone and I will be gone all day this coming Monday).  Also tonight it seemed like my breasts were empty and she was very frustrated.  I started taking More Milk Plus from Motherlove yesterday as well, but I have not seen an increase yet.  I feel like all I am doing is stressing about my milk supply and whether or not my baby is starving since she is not gaining weight like she should.  I really want to keep BFing, but I don't want to be stubborn at my baby's expense.  Should I throw in the towel or do some mix of BF and formula???

imageLilypie First Birthday tickers
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