
Need advice for nighttime BF

DD is a slow eater--usually 1 hr per breast and tends to fall asleep. Since birth, we've had latching problems and "power struggles" in which she fights to stay on the tip of my nipple only and then can't settle down for a good 20-30 min. afterwards.  Since this was a time consuming process during the day, I pump and give her bottled breast milk at night.  Now at 4 weeks, she latches fine and I'm ready to try breast feeding her overnight.  

  What do you typically do for these late night feedings in order for your little one to go back to sleep? I have to constantly correct her latch and I can't see a darn thing with her  nightlight. I know if I turn on the light, she wakes up and stays up. **This happened last night--she was up from midnight until 2:30am. This may seem like a silly question, but I've had such a hard time with latching and milk supply, I just don't want to screw up our progress so far.   Thanks!

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