
XP: Supplementing Question

XP: from Preemies... 

Hi ladies!

My lo was born at 32 and 3 weeks and has been on breastmilk since birth. We've been home now for 2 1/2 weeks and my supply has been slowly decreasing each day. I was doing great while he was in the NICU with my supply (up to 700 ml a day after the 2nd week) and now I'm lucky to produce 360 ml (12 oz). I don't know what happened!

I'm looking at having to supplement him here soon as he is catching up to me (I'm still one day ahead and have a freezer stash from when he was in the NICU and I was out-producing him). Anyone have experience with doing breastmilk and formula? He is already having his breastmilk fortified to increase the calories so I'm going to ask the pedi tomorrow how this will work if we have to do formula as well. He is gaining well and left the NICU at 5.11. He is one month old today and is around a little over 7 lbs (we'll find out tomorrow what his exact weight is; we weighed him at home by me holding him on our scale).

Any suggestions for improving supply and/or using breastmilk and formula for feedings? I'm still pumping every three hours, drinking a lot of water and breastfeeding 2 of his 8 feedings but I know that he's not taking enough to justify the difference in total amounts.

Thanks :)

My Ovulation Chart 50 mg Clomid/Ovidrel/IUI #1: BFN... 50 mg Clomid/Ovidrel/IUI #2: BFN... 50 mg Clomid/IUI #3: BFP!! Due May, 2012 :) So happy to welcome our little boy, born at 32 weeks and 3 days! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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