
Mucous in poop, help please?

I'm a FTM and DD is 10 weeks old.  She is EBF, for the past few weeks she only poops 1-2 times a day, and occasionaly every other day.  Today she has already pooped twice, it was very watery, but from what I've read that's ok?  Well I just changed her diaper again, and it was wet, but with a very small amount of mucous in it.  It's hard to explain, but the only poop in the diaper was mucous, about the size of a nickel.  I always look in her diapers and this is the first time I've ever noticed this.  Also the past few days her poop seems more orange than before, it used to look more yellowy.  I can't recall having eaten anything out of the ordinary for me. Sorry, I feel like I rambled, any advice is greatly appreciated.  Thanks.
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