
Discouraged EPing Mama..Help?

I'm getting discouraged. My plan has been to EP and last week I was pumping about 3 oz a session. Not a lot, but I was trying to work my way up. With all the visitors coming to see DS, my pumping sessions decreased for a couple days and my supply dwindled. The most I can pump in a session now is 2 oz and my most recent session was an ounce.

I was thinking I could spend a day not pumping and just BF him to bring my supply back up, but I worry he won't get enough. I've heard oatmeal can help with supply? Is there a specific type of oatmeal? And I know we're supposed to drink a lot of water, but define a lot. How much is a lot of water? 

DS is only 2 1/2 weeks old and I feel like it's too early to throw in the towel because I know I have potential. I'm just stuck. Someone help?

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