3rd Trimester

Semi Bump Related... wedding gifts while saving for baby??

My DH and I have 7 close friends/family member getting married between June and December this year. All of these people were invited to our wedding in June of 2011 and got us gifts and most were even in our wedding. My husband and I, though not really struggling, just bought a house and dont have a lot of disposable income right now. What we DO have is pretty much all being saved for baby. With that being said, DH is Italian and so are a lot of his friends. Italians give big wedding gifts, like EXPENSIVE wedding gifts. DH's friend, a 25 year old single guy, actually gave us $100 as a wedding gift in addition to flying out of state for our wedding. Plus, the 3 friends of mine getting married are my 2 BFF's and my sister, so thoughtful gifts are important (I dont want to just pick something boring off the registry)

My question/issue is, DH thinks it is appropriate to spend at least $100 on gifts while I think $50 is more than enough, especially considering everyone knows we have a baby on the way! With 7 weddings, plus travel expenses (all but 1 are out of state), bridesmaids dress/tuxes (I'm a bridesmaid or MOH in 3 and DH is a groomsman in 1), and what not....this is going to get rather expensive!! What are yall's thoughts on wedding gifts? Does it need to be a certain monetary amount? I think it is more of the thought that counts but apparently DH and some of his friends/family feel otherwise. I'm a little torn about what is more important....possibly making someone think we are "cheap" or over spending for the sake of not looking cheap?? Ugh... I love weddings but GEEZ they are all piled on in the next several months!!

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