
Any EP-ers out there

If you were confused by my title, you probably aren't ep-ing! I am posting this in the breastfeeding topic because I am a firm believer that I am just as entitled to say I am breastfeeding as anyone else. Exclusively pumping isn't easy and isn't easy to keep doing. Just hoping to start a conversation/chat for support with others who are EP-ing.

 If you are still reading this and breastfeeding the traditional way ( :-) ) I didn't originally plan to do it this way. I planned to breastfeed but, the second day home from the hospital I realized my LO was dehydrated and starving! He lost almost 10% of his body weight before his first ped. appointment. We had bought a pump because we knew I was going to have to continue working and I had registered for bottles. So I decided to try it. It is 8 weeks later and I am pumping every 3 hours or so during the day and whenever my son is up to eat at night. 

 One request, if someone tells you that they are pumping, please don't tell make them feel as if they are doing something wrong! It's not an easy decision to EP and it is a big time committment! 

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