3rd Trimester

2TM and above.. if your first pregnancy was rough..

How apprehensive were you about getting pregnant again?  I thought I would love pregnancy, and to be fair I know I don't have it nearly as bad as some and I am so SO grateful to be having this child at all, but this has knocked me on my rear and come with complications that it seems may be par for the course for me in future pregnancies.  I want more children with my husband and this is the way to get them, so more pregnancies will god-willing be in my future.. I'm just thinking about it so differently now and I'd like to hear what other experiences have been... did you delay/postpone longer than initially planned? What was your thought process? Did you prepare differently?

This may bring eyerolls from some, but this experience has definitely changed my perspective on pregnancy as a whole.. it may be something my body is "designed to do", but not without a hefty price, and I honestly had no idea what I was getting in to before the BFP. I naively thought that because I was healthy and in good shape I would have it fairly easy. Could not have been more wrong. 

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