3rd Trimester

really weird for being a 2tm?

With my first I was induced exactly at 37 weeks due to health reasons I was having, led to an ecs and followed by weeks of therapy. Anyhow, Now that I'm at this point with this LO i'm starting to get really anxious, like, I feel like a ftm! What happens if/when my water breaks, what happens if it breaks while I'm in the shower and I'd never know it, I never felt any contractions with DD, (I got to 4 1/2 cm and never felt a thing, after that I had my erc) so what happens if I don't know I'm having them and its to late for me to get to the hospital and prep for my rcs. I'm getting super anxious, I feel like I'm running out of time, and I am starting to freak out, just a little. Any other 2+ moms freaking out?
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