
Need encouragement to keep going

LO is 6 months old and he is EBF.  We are just beginning solids.  He is in the 15th percentile for weight (he weighs 15 lbs 4 oz).  His pediatrician seemed somewhat concerned about his weight because he went from the 50th percentile for weight at his 2 month appt, then down to 15th percentile at his 4 month, and again at the 15th percentile at his 6 month.  

I didn't initially think his weight was a problem because he is indeed gaining weight (although not as fast as other babies).  My husband seemed concerned about LO being in the 15th percentile though.  

My husband is short and skinny compared to most men -- he's 5'5" and maybe 120 pounds.  People often think he looks like a teenager (he's definitely not) and it takes a blow on his self esteem.  He was a small kid growing up and got picked on because of his size.  He said his mom used to apologize to others for him being small by saying things like, "Yeah, I know he's small..." or "he looks younger than he is."  Because of all this, he has a hard time with LO being small because he doesn't want LO to experience what he did growing up.  My husband told me it's much more acceptable for girls to be small, but small boys get picked on more often.  DH brought up the idea of giving formula if LO needed it (i.e. he starts losing weight), but I get the feeling he would want to give LO formula just to beef him up a little more. 

I recently experienced a dip in my milk supply, but I'm working to get it back up. I know breastmilk is better, but I also recognize that breastfed babies sometimes are smaller (not in all cases, I know).  I ultimately feel like if LO does grow up smaller than others and does struggle the way DH did, it's because I chose to EBF him. I know it sounds crazy. 

I want to keep EBFing him because I know it's best for him health-wise and I want to continue to EBF him. However, I need help fighting the feeling of wanting to top him off with formula just so he can take in more calories.  Thoughts... any encouragement is appreciated...



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