3rd Trimester

Holy Charlie Horse!

Apparently I've never really felt a true strong charlie horse, I've felt small ones but nothing compared to last night.  I woke up to pee, stretched my legs before getting out of bed and OMG the pain!  It was so bad I was yelling in pain and tried to wake my dh up to ask him how the hell to make it stop lol.  That was a lost cause, he barely murmured a huh and went right back to sleep.  I was thinking wth will he do if I go into labor in the middle of the night -just sleep through it lol!

So is there anything I can do to prevent these or relax it while it's happening?  My leg is so sore today I'm limping!  I realized last night that the same calf has occasionally had a little funny feeling when I wake up and now I'm thinking it was small charlie horses.  Does this mean I'm going to get them all the time now? 

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