
How did you emotionally prepare for weaning?

Here's my backstory - I had mastitis in my left breast twice in about three weeks. The second bout was especially bad and I had to be hospitalized for about three days to get IV fluids and meds. Since then nothing I do or take has helped my supply rebound on that side. I nurse in the morning and before bed and pump once at work. When I pump I only get about 1 ounce on that side. I dropped down to only pumping once a day because I was  trying to get in four sessions in eight hours to keep up with her bottles at daycare and it was just too much so I decided to just supplement with formula.

I've been considering weaning partially because she gets so frustrated nursing on my left side and she seems to not particularly like it anymore. She will nurse on that side for maybe 3 minutes before wanting to switch - and sometimes she bites in frustration. I think I'm starting to feel ready to wean but when I try to make a plan to do it I just become really sad. I guess that means I'm not ready but, how did you prepare yourself? I read all the posts about the technical aspect to it but I haven't seen anything discussing the emotional side. thanks!

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