
XP 3-6 months - Still refusing bottle and reverse cycling

P will be 4 months at the end of the week and is still completely refusing the bottle. She will go all day while I'm at work without eating, then will eat for a few solid hours once I'm home and every 30 minutes throughout the night. She screams all day because she is so hungry, and refuses to nap. Needless to say, this situation doesn't work for any of us.

We have been trying the bottle for well over 12 weeks now. We've tried different people, different places, you name it - me home or me away, hundreds of dollars in different bottles or contraptions that are supposed to help. We've tried syringe, cup, and spoon feeding. My husband has draped my worn clothing on him. We've tried in the car, Ergo, and stroller. If milk gets in her mouth in any way that is not directly from the boob, she spits it out. Always. With the exception of milk receptacles (and pacifiers), she wants everything else in sight in her mouth all the time. It doesn't appear that I have an excess lipase issue.

This is extremely stressful. She's getting enough only because she eats all night. I work all day and am up all night, lucky to get a cumulative 2-3 hours. This is not sustainable.

Anyone else in this situation? Any off the wall recommendations? We've tried everything the first million pages of google results came up with. Did anyone start solids early because of this? TIA for any suggestions!

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