Single Parents


Sorry for two posts in one day, but I am seriously conflicted. My mom and the rest of my family to be honest wants me to go live with Ireland. I can stay there until I turn 21 which is approximately a year. That will mean that I will have DD there and be with her for her first year. XBF won't be there for her birth and the first year of her life (he doesn't have a passport nor would he be welcome at my mom's). I could get the emotional and financial support I need if I move, but I feel so guilty already considering the idea that I will be depriving XBF and his family of these milestones. He loves her already and can't wait for her to be here, but just doesn't want to be with me anymore. I've been so upset, I don't know what to do. I know they won't be able to forgive me.
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