
3 week old took 7 ounces pumped BM!

Today was my first day back to school, and DS took 7 ounces in one feeding. Babysitter is likely overfeeding him, but he still ate it all with no issues. There is no way I can keep up this rate of demand. I do not want to tell her to limit him, but I don't want to have to supplement either. What is the best course of action here?


Follow up questions: If I supplement is it better to mix BM and formula to be easier on his tummy, or do them separate bc of differences in shelf lives?

 Should I be concerned with my supply? I thought it was normal to get 2-3 ounces a pumping session...I know babies are more efficient than pumps, but not 4 ounces more efficient

and finally, you guys suggest I pump long enough to get a second let down, well my PISA has a 'let down' button (it goes hard and fast, then slower and longer once you depress this button) so should I use this feature a second time or just leave it on the slower mode?

Thank you so much for your help, this board has been super amazing!


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