3rd Trimester

So depressing, no progress at appt.:(

Today I was less than 2 cm and not quite 50% effaced.  Which is depressing because it is exactly where I was last week and only slight ahead of the week before.  I'm at 38.5 weeks right now.  Wouldn't be so annoying except with my last 2 babies I was already at a 3cm by now and contracting quite frequently.  With this one I haven't been contracting nearly as much so it isn't terribly surprising that I haven't progressed.  By 39 weeks with my others I was already about 4cm.  I did, however, go a week late with all of them despite all of that dilation.  They induced me with #3 at 41 weeks, 1 day, but all they had to do was break my water and baby came fast and easy.

I'm a bit worried with this one because they are inducing me next week just shy of 40 weeks due to low PAPPa.  I was hoping for another easy induction like my last, but it looks like I'm in for pitocin before they can break my water which means any thoughts of another med free birth are out the door (did it with my 3rd, but not sure I could handle it with pitocin in the mix).  But more so I am worried that my body won't take to the induction well.  My OB assured me that I have a "proven pelvis" so everything should be fine, but this is the first baby that has had such little progress in advance.  At least I was able to get them to bump the induction.  Originally they wanted it in 2 days, but I just felt that my body wasn't ready for it yet.

Oh well, maybe this one will surprise me and just come early without any advance dilation.  One can always hope:)  My doc did say that 4th and beyond pregnancies tend to be more unpredictable.  The worst news of all?  I still have ONE MORE appointment to drag myself and my 3 kids to.  Ugh, can't wait to be done with this!

Erin 2.19.06 - Carter Joseph 5.28.08 - Gavin David 6.16.10 - Liam Michael 4.29.12 - Baby Boy #4 due!
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