3rd Trimester

very personal question about sex position & queefing

So I am only 12 weeks along right now but we already have 2 children and usually with pregnancy doggy style is pretty comfortable for both of us. This morning DH and I had sex and afterward I had some air escape from my vagina. It freaked me out since I had recently read that oral sex is safe so long as air is not blown into the vagina as it can cause an air embolism.

So now I am freaking out that air got up there and maybe it could harm me or the baby. I am annoyed that it is bothering me but I am so worried that somehow this will hurt me since I have read that it can be fatal for a mother or that it could cut off air to the baby and cause death or brain damage.

Has anyone else had this happen to them and it was all fine?? I know it is an embarrasing subject but I would appreciate it if anyone would share any similar situations that turned out OK.

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