3rd Trimester


Im 29 weeks pregnant today, and for the past few days i've been seeing things. I know their not really there, but it still freaks me out. I keep thinking I see black figures, mostly ones that look like an animal walking around on the floor and a couple times its been the figure of a man walking by my door. I dont have any pets and im home alone when it happens. I went to the doctors office yesterday and my mom, luckily, was driving and all of a sudden it looked like the cars were moving and pulling out when really, they were parked and no one was even near them. Then sitting in the doctors office I thought i seen bugs crawling up the wall and today it looked like their were little fruit flies like a foot in front of my face. I dont understand whats going on, has anyone else experienced this? What could be causing it?

Ive also never used drugs and I have no family history of anything like it. 

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