
nursing herself to sleep...

So I've tried to get into a routine, but it has proven difficult with my daughter who does not like to nap during the day.  At night, though, I have her sticking with a better schedule.  Nurse, solids, bath, nurse.  The problem is, she has been used to nursing herself to sleep at night and for most of her naps.  she was an urpy baby, so I always had to keep her upright after she ate.  She got used to being close to me after eating and is now wanting it to keep that way. If I put her down to sleep after she's a little sleepy post nurse, she will wake up and stay awake.  I just wonder how I can get it to where she won't continue this pattern and how I can break her of it without making her cry all day.  She is also very stubborn.  I've tried the whole CIO, but she will cry for 40 minutes and still not give in (I haven't tried to go any longer than that since I feel terrible letting her cry any longer).
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