

My baby will be 9 weeks on Thursday. While we were out of town visiting my bfs parents, his dad gave her syrup to lick off of his finger. I was livid! I said something to my bf and he said "Relax, they've all had kids before" which only made me more mad. When we got back to the table, his grandpa had mentioned that he also gave her gravy....I probably had smoke coming out of my ears at this point.

 Later in the afternoon when we were alone, my bf asked if I was ok. I told him the syrup "incident" really upset me and I didn't want his dad feeding her anything (she's strictly breastmilk). He said he wasn't going to argue with me but that he felt like I was probably overreacting. I said "I'm her mommy, I can do that..."

Am I overreacting??? I definitely don't feel like a 2 month old needs syrup! But worse, we have no idea if she has any allergies, what if she would have been allergic to something in the gravy!

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