3rd Trimester

Walked in on DH watching porn

Ok ladies, tell me what you would do.

I am by NO MEANS a prude and sometimes actually watch porn with my hubs, but I am currently 37.5 weeks pregnant and we haven't really been having a ton of sex.

I have also recently been suffering from diarrhea and hemrroids (Sorry if thats TMI, but hello you're reading a post about porn...) SO as if being as big as our bed isn't enough to work around, the constant ache from my a**hole is really great!

We had sex a few days ago and then hubs spent all last night playing video games with his friends, I went to bed right before him and he didn't even try to spend some time with me, then i woke up to go to the bathroom and saw a light coming from the other room... it was the computer screen playing porn...

I felt so hurt after that and waited to see if he would notice, he didn't. I approached him and told him that he hurt my feelings and he just said "its something i do" I knew that about him before, but it just sucks that im not really myself these days, I REALLY want LO to make her grand entrance and it seemed like he didn't even care that it bothered me.

I cried a little bit then slept in the other bedroom.

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