3rd Trimester

XP from May: DTAP question

Are you going to be vigilant about talking to people who will be in contact with LO in the first 3-4 months about being up to date on their vaccinations?  If so, how are you planning to approach it?I just had my mom talk to a pediatrician with whom she works, and this pediatrician said it is entirely reasonable and recommended to do so.  According to this pediatrician there is a nationwide outbreak right now, and I know there are heightened instances in my state specifically.   DH thinks it is rude and unnecessary.  I am torn.  I agree that it is quite rude to poke your nose into someone else's medical and health choices, but when it comes to the well-being of LO, I'm not sure how blurred that line is allowed to be.  I know I would never be able to live with myself if something happened to him because I was too polite to speak up.    ETA:  I will be addressing this with my midwife/pedi tomorrow as well.  :-)   
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