3rd Trimester

Taking the Bar and In-Law issues (rant-ish)

So my husband and I didn't exactly plan this pregnancy (though we are beyond thrilled about it!), and it has not been the best timing in a lot of ways. One of these is that my husband graduates Law School in May and is supposed to take the Bar in July... July 18-21 (it lasts 3 days) to be exact. The issue is that my due date is July 15. The other issue is that, once you sign up for the Bar (which is very expensive), you can not get your money back if you miss you test date.

My fear is that I either go into labor or have just had the baby during the Bar. It is a hugely important test and the expense is quite ridiculous and I just don't think it is worth the risk of trying to study/take the test (its like 6 hours a day for 3 days) around the unpredictability of labor and a new baby.

He has the option of taking the Bar in February, which is what we ultimately decided to do. His only concern is that, come Feb, he will push it off again and again and never take it since he already has a job that doesn't require he pass the Bar immediately.

The main issue is my In Laws. They are livid at the idea that he push the test back to February. His dad practically forced him into Law School to begin with and his parents are just completely irrational about it. His mother, who is controlling, domineering, and an "expert" on EVERYTHING, thinks she could "fill in" for him if he can't be there for the birth. Seriously??? Its so frustrating. They got in a huge fight with DH about it and are causing serious drama.

I know DH and I are adults and can make our own decisions and whatnot, but the issue is that the In Laws are blaming ME for "getting pregnant" and ruining his future (at least thats what it seems like) They have cracked jokes about "this never would have happened if...." and "well, this 'little slip up' comes with a price...." etc. I mean come one!! This is our baby and we are overjoyed and already love him so much! Get over the fact that he was unplanned and get on board! We are 26 and 27 and have been together for 4 years, granted only married for about 10 months.

My question is...do you think DH should just take the bar in July and risk missing his test after paying for it?? Theres no way he will be missing the birth so its the money for the test I am worried about. Also, did any of you experience a "surprise" pregnancy? If so, did you have to/how did you deal with people who weren't exactly thrilled? Thanks!

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