
Not going to be able to back to work?!

I took 12 weeks of maternity leave, which is up May 8th. However, DD is EBF and completely refuses all bottles (and pacifiers). 

When I come back to work, I will be moving into a new position to train for becoming the administrator of my facility in June or July. Therefore, I really can't extend my leave. I was also planning to move to bottles, use up my stash and then switch to formula since I will be so busy at work and won't have an office to pump in at first, plus I really hate pumping. 

But now, I'm worried I may have no choice but to stay home, which would put my workplace in a real bind and jeopardize my promotion. Maybe I could work part-time in short spurts and go to the daycare and BF her? But she won't tolerate anyone but me for very long...I just don't know and needed to freak out at little.

Any advice? 

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