
4 mo waking up every 2 hrs to eat?! What the... ?!?

So here's our routine lately...

I go to work from 7am to about 5:30am, Mom stays with my 4 mo son during the day and feeds bottles of my pumped BM.  When he is with her, he eats 5oz bottles every 3 hours.

When I come home and start BFing, he eats more like every 2 hrs while awake.  Which is fine, it doesn't bother me, this is what we usually do on the weekends when I am EBF.  Previously, he would still sleep about 5 hr stretches during the night, so I'd usually have to wake up once during the night to feed him.  Not that bad at all.


All of a sudden, for the last few nights, the dude has been waking up every 2 - 2.5 hours!!  He starts off in his crib, then when he wakes up fussing I go get him and bring him in bed with me to eat.  Then we both end up falling asleep, and I get woken up about 2 hrs later with him rooting around & flinging his little arm around.  And this has become a cycle, pretty much until I get up for the morning to go to work.  Eat, we fall asleep, he wakes up, eat, we fall asleep, he wakes up, etc.

Last night it was 11:45ish, which I was okay with, but then 2:30ish, 4:45ish, then 6:40ish... and yes, I was late for work!!  haha.

Any tips?  Could this be a growth spurt?  Or am I just a sucker by taking him out of bed and giving him the boob because I am too tired to rock him?  What can I do so that we BOTH get enough sleep??

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