
OMG ... what happened??

I normally pump 7-9oz in the morning AFTER DD eats. This is after her sleeping about 10 or so hours at night.

Last night she went 7 hours, then I BF her on 1 side. She then went back to sleep and woke up at normal time and kept eating and eating .... and then barfed everything up. I'm assuming she just ate way too much.

But I pumped afterwards like normal and got a measely 3 oz! WTH?


I don't think she would have eaten everything I produce, although I'm sure she ate more than normal to make her throw it up. But that much?

Also, I'm really tired from all the waking up. She kept busting out her swaddle and waking up about 4 times last night, so I'd have to re-do it. 

Could it just be b/c I"m tired, too? 

Will it go back to normal tomorrow?  Or am I screwed?

DD1 January, 2009
Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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