3rd Trimester

Weird Pregnancy Things...

I'm sure some of you have a case of the Mondays, and I know one thing that will cheer you up! (it will work on me at least!!) Hearing about the weird/comical things that are happening to our bodies as pregnant women! I'll go first :)

So in the middle of the night last night, I woke up with what felt like a really heavy nipple... I've not been wearing a bra at night because my girls are huge and they get really sore when they're cooped up to long, so I just skip the shirt too... After further investigation, I found that MY NIPPLE WAS STUCK TO MY FITTED SHEET! Yes, you read it right. I apparently leaked and it dried to the sheet. So, I proceeded to peel my nipple off, and it hurt so bad I couldn't help but cuss (we're talking the pain of ripping a bandaid off of your hairy arm), which of course woke my husband up because our clapper light turned on (yes, we have clapper - I'm lazy and the light is on my side of the bed)... to whom I had to explain what had happened... he gave me this really weird look and went back to snoring... THEN I get a phone call from him this morning asking "did this really happen last night?" Guess I'll have to start wearing a bra to bed...

If that doesn't make you tinkle in your panties, I don't know what will. Next!

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